Saturday, December 13, 2008

We're Published this Month!

Have you had a chance to look through the Murray Life Magazine this month? We're there! I'm thrilled and wanted to share with you! The image below (that's Leo from Mayfield) is featured in this month's edition in an article by the Humane Society of Calloway County.

The article discusses the gifting of pets and why it isn't always advisable. It's an interesting, very informative read. I strongly encourage everyone to view the article AND share it with someone who's considering giving a pet as a gift!

Congratulations, Leo, you're famous!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Reid's Family Pets

I was asked to shoot little Reid's 1st birthday party this Saturday. We got lots of wonderful pictures of the little guy and his family (check out the CSP blog to see a sampling of those). Of course, I couldn't over look the family pets! These guys were hanging out at the party, too!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Her Guardian Angel

Elizabeth is a hurricane refugee from Florida. "Angel" is the tiny kitten that Elizabeth rescued about a month ago - she was found in a parking lot under the wheel of a car. Miraculously the kitten survived her injuries. Elizabeth said they both needed a friend - a Guardian Angel.

Monday, November 17, 2008

And the winner is.....

Congratulations to the Tudor family!!! They are our winner's this year from the Holiday Bazaar Portrait Event hosted by the Humane Society of Calloway County! The Tudor's will receive a mounted 11x14 portrait from their session, donated by Cypress Springs Photography AND they will also receive a $75 gift certificate from The Gallery of Murray to use towards framing their beautiful print! What a beautiful young family they are - again Congratulations!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Third Time - Charming!!!

We've had a wonderful time photographing bunches of pets (and their people) this year for the Humane Society of Calloway County's Holiday Portraits. Today we wrapped up shooting for this year's fundraiser and are just thrilled to have raised over $500 to help support the Humane Society's programs! I am honored to have been able to provide the portraiture again this year! On behalf of the Humane Society of Calloway County and Cypress Springs Photography, "THANK YOU!!!" to each and every one who came out to have portraits made. Special thanks, also, to all of the volunteers who helped - it wouldn't be possible with out you!

Here's a peek at just some of the charming and oh so adorable "clients" we photographed today. Meet Jed and Angel...

Humane Society Portraits - Take Three!

This year's holiday portraits for the Humane Society of Calloway County were such a hit, we ended up with such a long waiting list that we're doing it again tomorrow! We are in demand (and just tickled about it)! A special thank you to everyone who has (and will) come out this year to make our HSCC fund raiser a huge success!!!

Here's a peek from Day 2: Meet Sadie Elizabeth, Sydney Marie, and a cute little rascal, Sherman Wayne!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Something to smile about

I'm editing in my sleep....again...trying to catch up on my workload after being out of town for a week. For anyone wondering about their proofs/prints, I'm working on them! Just as I'm about to toss in the towel for the night, I run across this sweet picture from a recent session I'm working on. It made me smile & I think it's a good note to end the night on. Hopefully it makes you smile, too!

Here's Bear and Gus...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New photographer friends

Just incase you missed this on the other blog...

Click photo to see a larger view.

I cannot say enough about how awesome this experience has been. In addition to all of the valuable information I've gained here in Nashville this week, the new friendships and acquaintances I have made are simply terrific. Yesterday, after several workshops, the whole gang headed outside the hotel for a group shot. WOW, imagine posing this many folks! Wonderful people and great fun...I LOVE my "job"!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

CSP Goes to Nashville

This afternoon I'm headed to Nashville for a week-long photography seminar/workshop, "The Inferno". I'm very excited as I will be in the company of some of the most successful photographers in the US and Canada (and perhaps other countries)! The Inferno promises to be a week of shooting, learning, and networking with tons of very talented folks and I plan to bring lots of new ideas back home to my customers! If you need to contact me, please send me an email- I will be checking CSP mail daily. Have a wonderful week!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I don't know whether to laugh or run!!! Have a spooky (SAFE) Halloween everyone! From Lulu, Winston, and Cypress Springs Photography.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Holiday Card Designs

This year we're partnering with a color lab that has TONS of Holiday designs for you to choose from when purchasing your Holiday cards! So, why not add a personalized photo greeting card to your portrait order this year and send holiday cards to your friends and family featuring you and/or your pet! Simply click the link be low to view card samples. Note, you can click on any sample to view it larger. Drop me an email if you have questions or would like to place an order for holiday cards, gift tags, or magnets!

View Holiday Card Catalog

Sunday, October 26, 2008

HSCC Holiday Portraits - Round 1

Yesterday was the first round of sessions for the Humane Society of Calloway County's Holiday Portraits. And what awesome portraits we captured! Here is a sampling of the images. Special thanks to the Roth guys for helping me out of a tight spot!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wait for it...

"Wait for it" is a common command used in dog obedience training. In pet photograpy, however, it is yours truly who often has to wait for it and be ready for that split-second when everything comes together to make a very nice pet portrait. I'm often asked, "How do you get the pets to sit so still and pose?" or similar questions. I'll some times just grin and call it "magic", but truthfully there are several factors that go into getting that perfect shot! The image here makes me smile and also shows some of the effort that goes into making a great pet image.

A genuine love of animals, tons of patience, and some really awesome helpers (affectionately dubbed "animal wranglers") helped turn the comical image above into the smiling portrait that follows.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Holiday Pet Portraits

Can you believe that Christmas is just around the corner already? It won't be long! It's also time for the Humane Society of Calloway County's Holiday Bazaar and we'll be there to provide the Portraits and Christmas cards again this year! We always enjoy these events and have a wonderful time with all of the pets and their families.

Due to a busy shooting schedule, Portrait sessions will be held on October 25th AND November 1st! A $25 donation to the Humane Society of Calloway county gets you a portrait session, a complimentary 5x7 from your shoot, AND (here's the awesome part)everyone who comes in for a portrait session will be entered into a drawing for a mounted 11x14 portrait! But wait, there's more! The winner of our portrait drawing will also receive a $75 gift certificate from The Gallery of Murray to have their portrait beautifully framed! It's just our way of saying "Thank you, and Merry Christmas!"

For more details and to schedule your portrait session, call the Humane Society's office at (270) 759-1884 Mon-Thur 10:00am - 2:00pm. Sessions fill up quickly this time of year, so call soon to schedule yours!

Here's just a tiny sampling from last year's Holiday Bazaar Pet Portrait Event:

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Introducing....Paw Prints!

Click the video below to see a small sampling of our 2008 "Paw Prints"